Shelter Wiki

The Lynx that appears in the end scene of Shelter 2. Though his identity is left up to the player, his larger size and deeper mews imply this to be your mate. Perhaps here to sire a second litter of cubs, or to take Inna to the afterlife.


He is bigger than mother lynx. His coat can be any of the shades the cubs can inherit.


The mysterious lynx is present only after the cubs are out of the picture. After returning to her empty den, mother lynx is guided by the same stars who first lead her from the wolves to the resolution of her story to a firefly-lit field. Eventually, the mysterious lynx makes himself known, before running and meowing through the fields after Inna as the credits roll. His friendly face at the end of all Inna's hardships call back to the game's theme of love.

The mysterious lynx has no effect on gameplay or anything beyond this one scene.


It is widely interpreted this is Inna's mate, be it the father of her first litter or the father to her next. However, his role and gender are only implied, and there are many ways to interpret this curious new companion! The way mother lynx's story ends is up to the player.
