Shelter Wiki

An eagle is a large avian dinosaur that appears in Shelter, Shelter 2, and Meadow. In Meadow, it returns as a potential playable character.


Through the series, the eagle takes a variety of appearances. In Shelter, the bird is pure white. In Shelter 2 and Meadow, it appears as a stylized bald eagle.

In Shelter

In Shelter, the eagle serves as a sort of antagonist of the Mother Badger, appearing as a threat to her cubs in 3 separate levels. One can easily hide from the eagle in tall grass, but must cross small barren gaps with her cubs to progress.

SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow.

In her third and final appearance, after the badger cubs have been escorted across the field, the eagle begins attacking Mother Badger herself. After the third strike, Mother Badger is defeated and carried away. After the ending credits the eagle is seen flying Mother Badger to her own hungry chicks.

Spoilers end here.

In Shelter 2

Eagles return in Shelter 2 as both predator and prey. Like in Shelter, one can detect an eagles approach by its screech. Unlike Shelter, you can actually attack the eagle, however you must wait for it to swoop down. Once killed, it can feed all 4 of your cubs.

In Meadow

The eagle is featured in Meadow as a playable avatar. It is capable of infinite flight.

